Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kastle's Kreations

This is not a blog about a local restaurant, but I had to blog about this "place."  Last weekend, I saw one of those infamous food trucks; you know, kind of like an ice cream truck, but they sell other types of food, not ice cream.  This truck caught my attention because it was pink.  Yes, I'm a girly-girl. . . I love just about anything pink.  So, when I saw the name Kastle's Kreations with huge cupcakes on the side of it, I just had to indulge!

This lady has several types of cupcakes to choose from, and they are all homemade! I will admit that I love cupcakes but am too busy (read between the lines: I am too lazy) to bake cupcakes from scratch.  I have the utmost respect for someone who loves to bake from scratch.  Finding Kastle was like a dream come true. :)

Here is Kastle's Kreations website:

She can be located in Anchorage on Tuesdays and Saturdays in the Walgreen's parking lot across from Sears on Northern Lights Blvd from 12-4 (or until she sells out) and in Eagle River on Thursdays at the Chevron Gas Station next to McDonalds  from 12-4 (or until she sells out).  Personally, I'm amazed that she can stay open for four hours, as her cupcakes are amazing!!

She also takes custom orders and makes big cupcakes and stuff for special events.  I haven't experienced any of this, but if you peruse her website, you will find many pictures of her designs as well as information on her specialty items.

My boyfriend and I spoke with Kastle for a few moments when we decided to purchase some cupcakes.  She has been doing this for about three years now.  I truly do think that Kastle has found her calling!  Her prices are really great for her product.  The cupcakes you can purchase from her truck are as follows:

$3.00 each
$16.50 for a half dozen
$32.00 for a dozen

Each cupcake is hand decorated.  And these are not just your run-of-the-mill chocolate or vanilla cupcakes!  We bought several types like strawberry-lemonade, maple bacon, banana split, red velvet, samoa. . . I don't remember the names of the other types.  All I know is that they were delicious.  (Ok, well, I didn't really care for the maple bacon flavor, but it sounded so unique, I had to try it!)

I will admit that I dug into the cupcakes before I remembered to take a photo of each one.  However, she has photos on website of each of her cupcakes.  I did remember to take a couple photos of the banana split cupcake before I completely devoured it:

I do not usually like things that are banana flavored.  I like bananas and that is it.  However, this cupcake was delicious!  It was a few days old, so the chocolate inside the cupcake had semi-solidified.  I believe that it was originally gooey (like the caramel in the Samoa was that I practically inhaled before remembering that I forgot to take a photo of it), but it was still delicious!  The chocolate was still soft enough to eat. :)  This cupcake tasted like a banana split!  It's kind of hard to describe, but you know how when you eat a banana split, you can taste a little banana, a little hot fudge, some vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. . . Not like a mush of the flavors, but you can distinguish each individual flavor?  That is how this cupcake was!  I LOVED it!

I highly recommend this vendor!  Please visit her website and if you are in Anchorage on Tuesday or Saturday or in Eagle River on Thursday. . . SEEK OUT THIS TRUCK!!!  I promise, you will NOT regret it for one moment!!

As for my Tifa's Tidbit score: Most definitely a 5 star food product! :)  I may just have to stop by her truck today! :)

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